YMCA CC | Annual Dinner 2018

Annual Dinner 2018
YMCA CC will be hosting its Annual Dinner on Friday 16th February next at Wanderers F.C. (by kind permission) at 8.00pm. We hope many of you and your guests can join us for our traditional fare of good food, drink, company and speeches amongst Cricketing friends. 

Dinner cost is €50 per person, reduced to €30 for full time students. Members guests are welcome.

To make a booking for you and your guests, please select either (or both) of the payment options below. You will be asked to complete a brief form with your details and you will have the option to purchase up to 11 tickets under either category.

Pay Annual Dinner (Adult)  or  Pay Annual Dinner (Student)

Alternatively, please E-Mail ymcaccdublin@gmail.com and a Booking Form will be sent to you. Completed Booking Forms should be completed and returned to our Dinner Secretary, Arthur Vincent by Friday 2rd February.